Earlier this week, David Huddleston died on Tuesday from kidney and advanced heart disease, stated his wife, Sarah Koeppe.
This infamous actor was one of the stars of the hit crime comedy movie in 1998, with actors John Goodman and Jeff Bridges. Playing millionaire Jeffrey Lebowski, he had the opposite lifestyle from “The Dude” or Jeff Lebowski. The film was an instant success and has stood the test of time, with fans from many generations.
Huddleston’s work did not stop there, he appeared in several Broadway and Hollywood productions, making memories and connections along the way. Working with many famous actors, like Bette Davis and John Wayne, playing supporting roles.
The name David comes from the Hebrew name “Dawidh,” which means – Darling and beloved friend. Much like the name, Huddleston embodied these qualities. As his friends and family proclaimed that there was not many people that he did not become friends with.
The rich history behind the name is no surprise. David was the name of one of the greatest kings of Israel, from 10th century B.C. There are many stories written about David in the Old Testament, like his triumph over Goliath.
On top of the rich history and the widespread use in Britain, this name was given to many other famous people. From historical figures, like philosopher David Hume to explorer David Livingstone, to current celebrities like David Beckham, it transcends time. The list now includes the famous, David Huddleston.